Welcome to Yaqoob Shahbaz
Yaqoob Shahbaz Builders & DevelopersYaqoob Shahbaz Builders & DevelopersYaqoob Shahbaz Builders & Developers
Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi
Yaqoob Shahbaz Builders & DevelopersYaqoob Shahbaz Builders & DevelopersYaqoob Shahbaz Builders & Developers

YS Builders & Developers YS builders and Developers's name is still associated with the values of excellence, quality, devotion, and personalized service. Our nationwide reputation as a developer of integrity and solid repute continues to grow with each passing day. More Detail Committed to making a positive impact! Providing equal opportunity for a luxurious yet affordable lifestyle More Detail YS Builders & Developers Providing equal opportunity for a luxurious yet affordable lifestyle to everyone. More Detail YS Builders & Developers The name Yaqoob Shahbaz is still synonymous with those principles .
of excellence, quality, commitment and personal service.
Yaqoob Shahbaz nationwide reputation as a developer of integrity
and solid repute continues to grow with each passing day.
More Detail
Committed to making a positive impact! Providing equal opportunity for a luxurious yet affordable lifestyle More Detail YS Builders & Developers Providing equal opportunity for a luxurious yet affordable lifestyle to everyone. More Detail


We provide real estate property with Installment plans while preserving a solid foundation of trust and mutual respect built on beneficial relationships with customers. A company-wide approach that encourages shared performance accountability provides the highest level of professional service and outcome on all projects.

YS Builders & Developers has announced numerous successful projects in the early years since its inception, including residential and commercial structures, as well as huge master housing community ideas. All of our projects are landmarks, demonstrating the firm's remarkable vision and quality throughout its history.
Builders & Developers
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+92 340 0007779

Providing State of The Art Housing Projects

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    Feel free to talk to our representative at any time you please use our contact form on our website or one of our contact numbers. Let us build your future together.

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    for international calls use our Phone number: +92 342 1110673

    You can always visit us at our Head Office, we have a friendly staff and a mean cup of coffee.

    Head Office

    Office# 09, 1ST Floor, Crown Centre, Blk # 13-C, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi.

    Contact number

    021-34822647 | 021-34980314 | 021-34822647

    Mail address


    Visit our site office

    Office Al-Muntazar Garden, Jamshoro District, Karachi - Sindh, Pakistan

    Contact number

    +92 340 0007779

    Mail address


    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)